Raspbian Package Auto-Building

Buildd status for lhs2tex (trixie-staging)

Debian PTSTrackerChangelogBugspackages.d.obuildd.d.oSource

Package(s): Suite:
Compact mode Co-maintainers

Buildd exposure stats armhf  1.24-1+b2Build-Attempted27d 20h 9mtest2023out-of-datehaskellold | all (1)giveback

BinNMU changelog for lhs2tex on armhf:

rebuild due to debcheck failure

Tail of log for lhs2tex on armhf:

src/Main.lhs:555:65: error: [GHC-88464]
    Variable not in scope: liftIO :: IO () -> XIO Exc State ()
    Suggested fixes:
      • Perhaps use one of these:
          ‘lift’ (imported from Auxiliaries),
          ‘liftM’ (imported from Control.Monad),
          ‘liftA2’ (imported from Prelude)
      • Perhaps you want to add ‘liftIO’ to the import list
        in the import of ‘Control.Monad.State’ (src/Main.lhs:22:3-55).
555 | >                                     when (not . null $ pis) $ liftIO $ do
    |                                                                 ^^^^^^
make[1]: *** [Makefile:110: lhs2TeX] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>'
make: *** [debian/rules:46: build-stamp] Error 2