The time indicates for how long a package is in the given state.
Installed | 19 | 1: redis (958d 18h 44m, tried 2 times, test2019), libzstd (958d 18h 44m, tried 2 times, test2019), vips (958d 18h 44m, tried 2 times, test2019), xz-utils (958d 18h 44m, tried 2 times, test2019), dumb-init (958d 18h 44m, tried 8 times, test2019), tinyxml (956d 18h 42m, test2019), mruby (951d 43m, test2019), htmldoc (943d 12h 43m, test2019), lrzip (943d 6h 43m, test2019), imagemagick (942d 18h 44m, test2019), 11: boinc-app-milkyway (+b5, 937d 6h 40m, test2019), gnome-user-share (+b2, 937d 6h 40m, test2019), ark (936d 18h 40m, test2019), atftp (930d 6h 42m, test2019), libdbi-perl (926d 12h 43m, test2019), librecad (919d 43m, test2019), mailman (917d 43m, test2019), ardesia (+b10, 915d 12h 40m, test2019), vim (905d 18h 43m, test2019) |