The time indicates for how long a package is in the given state.
Auto-Not-For-Us | 2 | 1: gatb-core, opm-common |
Build-Attempted | 8 | 1: sdbus-cpp (567d 4h 20m, tried 5 times, mb-lxc-02), webp-pixbuf-loader (567d 4h 9m, tried 2 times, mb-lxc-02), gnome-subtitles (567d 3h 25m, tried 3 times, mb-lxc-02), ayatana-indicator-session (566d 23h 54m, tried 4 times, mb-lxc-02), warzone2100 (566d 22h 56m, tried 5 times, mb-lxc-02), libzorpll (566d 22h 46m, tried 11 times, mb-lxc-02), abpoa (566d 22h 35m, tried 12 times, mb-lxc-02), btllib (566d 22h 25m, tried 3 times, mb-lxc-02) |
Built | 3 | 1: android-platform-system-tools-aidl (875d 17h 1m, tried 2 times, mb-lxc-02), openni-sensor-pointclouds (872d 13h 13m, mb-lxc-02), tsung (+b12, 668d 4h 30m, mb-lxc-02) |
Installed | 2302 | Too many results, cannot display |