Raspbian Package Auto-Building

Buildd status of armhf (bookworm-staging)

Package(s): Suite:
Compact mode Co-maintainers

Distributions: [all] [jessie-staging] [wheezy-staging] [stretch-staging] [buster-staging] [bullseye-staging] [bookworm-staging] [trixie-staging]
Architectures: [armhf]
Restrict on buildd: [all] [bm-wb-01] [bm-wb-02] [bm-wb-03] [bm-wb-04] [mb-lxc-01] [mb-lxc-02] [test2019] [test2023] [testbuildd] [testwandboard]
Restrict on notes: [all] [out-of-date] [uncompiled] [related]
Buildd machine info: [bm-wb-01] [bm-wb-02] [bm-wb-03] [bm-wb-04] [mb-lxc-01] [mb-lxc-02] [test2019] [test2023] [testbuildd] [testwandboard]
Recent build results: [all][failed]

The time indicates for how long a package is in the given state.

Auto-Not-For-Us536Too many results, cannot display
BD-Uninstallable2551: arrayprobe (1003d 1h 5m), py-sendfile (1003d 1h 5m), mldemos (1003d 1h 5m), semidef-oct (1003d 1h 5m), libnora-ruby (1003d 1h 5m), parallel-fastq-dump (1003d 1h 5m), simpleitk (1003d 1h 5m), virtualjaguar (1003d 1h 5m), qtjsbackend-opensource-src (1003d 1h 5m), linux-signed (1003d 1h 5m), 11: qca2-plugin-ossl (1003d 1h 5m), gubbins (1003d 1h 5m), sugar-hulahop (1003d 1h 5m), twisted-runner (1003d 1h 5m), nagios-plugins (1003d 1h 5m), deng (1003d 1h 5m), libkrb5-ruby (1003d 1h 5m), tophat (1003d 1h 5m), ioapps (1003d 1h 5m), smrtanalysis (1003d 1h 5m), 21: xhprof (1003d 1h 5m), fw4spl (1003d 1h 5m), flang (1003d 1h 5m), mm3d (1003d 1h 5m), orpie (1003d 1h 5m), libfcgi-ruby (1003d 1h 5m), osrm (1003d 1h 5m), clang (1003d 1h 5m), giira (1003d 1h 5m), varnish-agent (1003d 1h 5m), 31: foobillard (1003d 1h 5m), libguac-client-rdp (1003d 1h 5m), libaugeas-ruby (1003d 1h 5m), openjdk-12 (1003d 1h 5m), python-numpy (1003d 1h 5m), libdr-tarantool-perl (1003d 1h 5m), sdrangelove (1003d 1h 5m), mingw32 (1003d 1h 5m), fuse-umfuse-ext2 (1003d 1h 5m), nmapsi4 (1003d 1h 5m), 41: radare2-cutter (1003d 1h 5m), llvm-toolchain-snapshot (1003d 1h 5m), unanimity (1003d 1h 5m), kopete (1003d 1h 5m), networkmanagement (1003d 1h 5m), meshlab (1003d 1h 5m), blogilo (1003d 1h 5m), openais (1003d 1h 5m), pplacer (1003d 1h 5m), bino (1003d 1h 5m), 51: libguac-client-vnc (1003d 1h 5m), fuse-umfuse-iso9660 (1003d 1h 5m), rust-sleef-sys (1003d 1h 5m), itksnap (1003d 1h 5m), libuconv-ruby (1003d 1h 5m), god (1003d 1h 5m), guacd (1003d 1h 5m), pep8-simul (1003d 1h 5m), qtpfsgui (1003d 1h 5m), rust-url-serde (1003d 1h 5m), 61: pyqwt3d (1003d 1h 5m), libmmmulti (1003d 1h 5m), libopengl-ruby (1003d 1h 5m), guest-templates (1003d 1h 5m), xxxterm (1003d 1h 5m), ginkgocadx (1003d 1h 5m), tlsdate (1003d 1h 5m), libodbc-ruby (1003d 1h 5m), libqt4pas (1003d 1h 5m), qutecsound (1003d 1h 5m), 71: actionaz (1003d 1h 5m), mensis (1003d 1h 5m), python-pbh5tools (1003d 1h 5m), ardour3 (1003d 1h 5m), rust-syntex-errors (1003d 1h 5m), haskell-hledger-chart (1003d 1h 5m), psortb (1003d 1h 5m), webkit (1003d 1h 5m), soya (1003d 1h 5m), piperka-client (1003d 1h 5m), 81: mod-proxy-html (1003d 1h 5m), xserver-xorg-video-glide (1003d 1h 5m), sikuli (1003d 1h 5m), goldencheetah (1003d 1h 5m), fuse-umfuse-fat (1003d 1h 5m), libmaxmind-db-reader-xs-perl (1003d 1h 5m), ulogd (1003d 1h 5m), pbdagcon (1003d 1h 5m), structure-synth (1003d 1h 5m), xfce4-equake-plugin (1003d 1h 5m), 91: fracplanet (1003d 1h 5m), woo (1003d 1h 5m), rhmessaging (1003d 1h 5m), srst2 (1003d 1h 5m), enki-aseba (1003d 1h 5m), qwtplot3d (1003d 1h 5m), golang-go.tools (1003d 1h 5m), haskell-hledger-vty (1003d 1h 5m), ksnapshot (1003d 1h 5m), qca-cyrus-sasl (1003d 1h 5m), 101: rsem (1003d 1h 5m), libfusefs-ruby (1003d 1h 5m), doomsday (1003d 1h 5m), portslave (1003d 1h 5m), rssguard (1003d 1h 5m), php-apc (1003d 1h 5m), threeb (998d 11h 58m), dustrac (977d 11h 57m), rust-sensors (971d 11h 58m), minizinc-ide (966d 11h 59m), 111: fmit (957d 11h 52m), pyqt5webengine (939d 11h 58m), libatomic-queue (936d 11h 54m), libmaxmind-db-writer-perl (933d 12h 58m), dioptas (918d 11h 56m), monero (906d 11h 59m), zeal (893d 11h 59m), q2-metadata (867d 11h 52m), seqsero (847d 11h 56m), pbbam (840d 11h 56m), 121: theli (839d 11h 47m), parmed (838d 11h 52m), haskell-clash-lib (832d 11h 57m), haskell-clash-ghc (832d 11h 57m), haskell-what4 (831d 11h 57m), pyqt6-webengine (827d 11h 57m), openjdk-18 (825d 23h 58m), nthash (815d 23h 53m), subtitlecomposer (815d 13h 2m), kiwix (811d 11h 56m), 131: sight (811d 11h 56m), algobox (808d 13h 12m), meshsdfilter (805d 11h 57m), sepp (798d 11h 56m), fsm-lite (797d 11h 57m), mathcomp-algebra-tactics (797d 1h 52m), rust-libnotcurses-sys (797d 1h 52m), tipp (795d 11h 56m), plastimatch (792d 11h 56m), promod3 (790d 11h 56m), 141: plasmidid (787d 11h 54m), fcitx5-chinese-addons (787d 11h 54m), qmapshack (780d 11h 56m), libime-jyutping (779d 11h 56m), blasr (779d 11h 56m), racon (778d 5h 57m), molmodel (775d 11h 52m), unicycler (775d 11h 52m), digikam (773d 11h 57m), macromoleculebuilder (770d 11h 57m), 151: dnsdist (762d 11h 56m), vite (761d 12h 15m), ball (760d 11h 57m), shotcut (760d 11h 57m), gammaray (758d 5h 53m), pdns (757d 11h 57m), ghostwriter (754d 11h 55m), pysph (752d 11h 57m), angelfish (752d 11h 57m), taffybar (751d 7h 34m), 161: haskell-gtk-sni-tray (751d 7h 34m), biobambam2 (749d 11h 57m), rocminfo (748d 11h 51m), votca (747d 11h 54m), ariba (746d 11h 57m), openmolcas (743d 11h 57m), iannix (742d 11h 56m), objcryst-fox (742d 11h 56m), haskell-copilot (741d 11h 56m), haskell-copilot-theorem (741d 11h 56m), 171: rpma (741d 11h 56m), haskell-copilot-language (741d 11h 56m), sigil (741d 11h 56m), haskell-copilot-libraries (741d 11h 56m), paleomix (739d 11h 56m), otb (737d 13h 43m), shelxle (736d 11h 55m), proteinortho (736d 11h 55m), qtwebview-opensource-src (734d 17h 57m), qt6-webview (733d 11h 57m), 181: ideep (731d 12h 42m), minimac4 (729d 11h 56m), tellico (728d 13h 6m), rocsparse (726d 12h 7m), q2-cutadapt (726d 12h 7m), skesa (726d 12h 7m), q2-dada2 (726d 12h 7m), mathcomp-analysis (725d 23h 56m), coq-elpi (725d 23h 56m), caml-crush (724d 11h 55m), 191: guiqwt (720d 22h 4m), armnn (720d 12h 49m), notepadqq (720d 12h 49m), colmap (719d 11h 56m), falkon (718d 11h 56m), q2-fragment-insertion (717d 11h 56m), haskell-byte-order (715d 17h 56m), unifrac (715d 13h 28m), python-iow (715d 13h 28m), openems (713d 11h 50m), 201: deal.ii (713d 11h 50m), pytorch-audio (713d 5h 51m), pytorch-text (712d 11h 51m), goldendict-webengine (712d 11h 51m), python-thinc (712d 11h 51m), pytorch-vision (712d 11h 51m), eclipse-equinox (705d 11h 57m), facet-analyser (700d 13h 25m), syncthingtray (697d 12h 25m), openscad (688d 11h 56m), 211: fcitx-libpinyin (688d 11h 56m), lomiri-camera-app (686d 11h 56m), lomiri (686d 11h 56m), morph-browser (686d 11h 56m), ring (686d 11h 56m), parley (685d 11h 49m), grantlee-editor (685d 11h 49m), pim-sieve-editor (685d 11h 49m), mbox-importer (685d 11h 49m), cantor (685d 11h 49m), 221: libkf5mailcommon (685d 11h 49m), kontact (685d 11h 49m), kimagemapeditor (685d 11h 49m), akonadi-import-wizard (685d 11h 49m), kalendar (685d 11h 49m), akonadiconsole (685d 11h 49m), akregator (685d 11h 49m), kdepim-addons (685d 11h 49m), pim-data-exporter (685d 11h 49m), kmail (685d 11h 49m), 231: libguestfs (683d 13h 27m), itinerary (668d 11h 57m), fraqtive (664d 11h 58m), umps3 (660d 11h 54m), opm-grid (649d 11h 57m), opm-upscaling (649d 11h 57m), opm-simulators (649d 11h 57m), cloudcompare (643d 11h 57m), rocm-hipamd (625d 12h 5m), rocprim (625d 12h 5m), 241: bazel-bootstrap (614d 12h 4m), kleborate (609d 4m), rocrand (604d 3m), hipsparse (603d 6h 4m), kf5-messagelib (551d 9m), pyzoltan (413d 5m), nextcloud-desktop (350d 5m), pdns-recursor (274d 18h 2m), libkf5ksieve (210d 5m), rust-cbindgen-web (210d 5m), 251: calibre (147d 6m), rustc-web (147d 6m), amanda (77d 5m), debian-installer (14d 4m), chromium (1d 18h 5m)
Build-Attempted2121: kbtin (617d 3h 23m, tried 3 times, mb-lxc-01), sdbus-cpp (617d 3h 20m, tried 5 times, mb-lxc-02), bcftools (617d 3h 12m, tried 7 times, testbuildd), webp-pixbuf-loader (617d 3h 9m, tried 2 times, mb-lxc-02), opendht (617d 2h 58m, tried 3 times, testwandboard), tilix (617d 2h 53m, tried 4 times, mb-lxc-01), nomad (617d 2h 31m, tried 174 times, bm-wb-04), gnome-subtitles (617d 2h 25m, tried 3 times, mb-lxc-02), libsigrok (617d 2h 24m, tried 5 times, testbuildd), iceoryx (617d 2h 20m, tried 3 times, mb-lxc-01), 11: haskell-unicode-collation (617d 2h 9m, tried 3 times, testwandboard), swt4-gtk (617d 1h 34m, tried 7 times, test2019), eztrace (617d 1h 18m, tried 2 times, testwandboard), expeyes (617d 1h 1m, tried 3 times, test2019), pydevd (617d 44m, tried 2 times, bm-wb-04), spirv-llvm-translator (617d 27m, tried 8 times, test2019), strace (617d 23m, tried 3 times, mb-lxc-01), pgloader (617d 11m, tried 7 times, testwandboard), units-filter (617d 1m, tried 3 times, bm-wb-04), tracker (616d 23h 46m, tried 3 times, test2019), 21: python-libzim (616d 23h 19m, tried 3 times, mb-lxc-01), selint (616d 23h 14m, tried 3 times, mb-lxc-01), ayatana-indicator-session (616d 22h 55m, tried 4 times, mb-lxc-02), ghdl (616d 22h 52m, tried 3 times, testbuildd), warzone2100 (616d 21h 56m, tried 5 times, mb-lxc-02), libzorpll (616d 21h 46m, tried 11 times, mb-lxc-02), abpoa (616d 21h 35m, tried 12 times, mb-lxc-02), btllib (616d 21h 25m, tried 3 times, mb-lxc-02), flye (616d 20h 43m, tried 11 times, test2019), verilator (616d 20h 21m, tried 2 times, testwandboard), 31: gamescope (616d 20h 17m, tried 3 times, test2019), gfxreconstruct (616d 19h 24m, tried 3 times, test2019), ismrmrd (616d 19h 12m, tried 12 times, test2019), sfcgal (616d 18h 56m, tried 7 times, bm-wb-04), kosmindoormap (616d 18h 32m, tried 3 times, test2019), libundead (616d 18h 23m, tried 279 times, test2019), libvmod-selector (616d 18h 12m, tried 7 times, test2019), genomicsdb (616d 18h 4m, tried 2 times, testwandboard), libcvd (616d 17h 50m, tried 7 times, bm-wb-04), nmodl (616d 17h 46m, tried 3 times, test2019), 41: hyperspy (616d 17h 22m, tried 3 times, testbuildd), pbseqlib (616d 16h 23m, tried 15 times, bm-wb-04), patat (616d 16h 21m, tried 3 times, test2019), protracker (616d 16h 1m, tried 12 times, test2019), php-facedetect (616d 15h 43m, tried 16 times, bm-wb-04), purify (616d 15h 38m, tried 15 times, test2019), pyfastx (616d 15h 29m, tried 6 times, bm-wb-04), python-cython-blis (616d 15h 18m, tried 6 times, test2019), rapmap (616d 15h 6m, tried 6 times, test2019), qwinff (616d 14h 57m, tried 3 times, bm-wb-04), 51: rocm-compilersupport (616d 14h 45m, tried 5 times, test2019), rust-cid-npm (616d 14h 26m, tried 11 times, test2019), rust-effective-limits (616d 14h 15m, tried 3 times, test2019), ros2-rosidl (616d 14h 6m, tried 7 times, bm-wb-04), scamp (616d 13h 50m, tried 233 times, test2019), spades (616d 13h 24m, tried 7 times, test2019), seqan-raptor (616d 13h 15m, tried 7 times, bm-wb-04), tensorpipe (616d 13h 2m, tried 11 times, test2019), twopaco (616d 12h 48m, tried 8 times, test2019), git-annex (616d 12h 48m, tried 3 times, testbuildd), 61: tuiwidgets (616d 12h 28m, tried 3 times, bm-wb-04), gfccore (616d 12h 17m, tried 233 times, bm-wb-04), libibcm (616d 12h 7m, tried 277 times, bm-wb-04), cctbx (616d 11h 55m, tried 5 times, test2019), cvc5 (616d 8h 37m, tried 6 times, testbuildd), performous (616d 7h 17m, tried 4 times, testbuildd), golang-v2ray-core (616d 5h 23m, tried 2 times, test2019), ardour (616d 1h 16m, tried 4 times, testwandboard), acovea (616d 44m, tried 167 times, testbuildd), coccinelle (616d, tried 4 times, bm-wb-02), 71: persalys (615d 22h 7m, tried 6 times, testwandboard), haskell-clash-prelude (615d 21h 46m, tried 7 times, testbuildd), mingw32-binutils (615d 21h 1m, tried 166 times, bm-wb-02), ocamlgsl (615d 20h 51m, tried 166 times, bm-wb-02), kodi (615d 20h 29m, tried 2 times, mb-lxc-01), devicexlib (615d 20h 24m, tried 8 times, mb-lxc-01), debiman (615d 20h 16m, tried 8 times, testwandboard), dpaste (615d 20h 9m, tried 5 times, mb-lxc-01), haskell-tasty-checklist (615d 19h 50m, tried 8 times, mb-lxc-01), haskell-wide-word (615d 19h 47m, tried 8 times, test2019), 81: libvmod-re2 (615d 19h 43m, tried 8 times, mb-lxc-01), pmake (615d 19h 40m, tried 166 times, bm-wb-03), ncbi-igblast (615d 19h 33m, tried 12 times, test2019), gr-fcdproplus (615d 19h 22m, tried 17 times, testwandboard), ortools (615d 19h 9m, tried 12 times, test2019), geary (615d 19h 7m, tried 7 times, bm-wb-02), quorum (615d 18h 57m, tried 12 times, test2019), rust-libsensors-sys (615d 18h 48m, tried 17 times, test2019), epics-base (615d 18h 40m, tried 4 times, mb-lxc-01), seqan-needle (615d 18h 38m, tried 7 times, test2019), 91: pyatem (615d 18h 38m, tried 4 times, testwandboard), apf (615d 18h 31m, tried 166 times, testwandboard), asterisk-chan-capi (615d 18h 30m, tried 166 times, test2019), bbhash (615d 18h 25m, tried 7 times, test2019), siconos (615d 18h 17m, tried 4 times, mb-lxc-01), qzxing (615d 18h 12m, tried 8 times, bm-wb-02), bpftrace (615d 18h 5m, tried 3 times, mb-lxc-01), blastem (615d 18h 4m, tried 163 times, test2019), audacious-analog-vumeter-plugin (615d 17h 56m, tried 166 times, testwandboard), autofs5 (615d 17h 27m, tried 165 times, bm-wb-03), 101: wpewebkit (615d 15h 36m, tried 3 times, bm-wb-04), openmesh (615d 15h 36m, tried 9 times, testwandboard), bustools (615d 15h 25m, tried 6 times, testwandboard), ccls (615d 14h 59m, tried 3 times, bm-wb-04), consul-migrate (615d 14h 36m, tried 159 times, bm-wb-04), davs2 (615d 14h 29m, tried 159 times, bm-wb-04), cone (615d 14h 23m, tried 14 times, testwandboard), fairy-stockfish (615d 14h 14m, tried 159 times, bm-wb-04), openmw (615d 12h 41m, tried 8 times, test2019), halide (615d 12h 11m, tried 3 times, testbuildd), 111: febootstrap (615d 10h 8m, tried 159 times, test2019), fpzip (615d 10h, tried 13 times, test2019), gloo (615d 9h 52m, tried 7 times, test2019), ghemical (615d 9h 45m, tried 158 times, mb-lxc-01), gr-soapy (615d 9h 17m, tried 16 times, mb-lxc-01), gr-dab (615d 9h 9m, tried 16 times, test2019), ibam (615d 8h 46m, tried 158 times, test2019), haskell-type-level (615d 8h 36m, tried 126 times, mb-lxc-01), ivar (615d 8h 16m, tried 7 times, test2019), iem-plugin-suite (615d 8h 15m, tried 4 times, mb-lxc-01), 121: jocaml (615d 8h 10m, tried 158 times, mb-lxc-01), jbuilder (615d 8h 9m, tried 158 times, test2019), kafs-client (615d 8h 7m, tried 3 times, mb-lxc-01), kvmtool (615d 8h 3m, tried 158 times, test2019), libbiod (615d 7h 54m, tried 158 times, test2019), leela-zero (615d 7h 51m, tried 157 times, mb-lxc-01), libmath-int128-perl (615d 7h 49m, tried 6 times, test2019), libmlx5 (615d 7h 47m, tried 126 times, mb-lxc-01), librandomx (615d 7h 42m, tried 10 times, mb-lxc-01), libnunc-stans (615d 7h 41m, tried 157 times, test2019), 131: libretro-mupen64plus (615d 7h 36m, tried 126 times, mb-lxc-01), libtango (615d 7h 35m, tried 157 times, test2019), gjh-asl-json (615d 7h 35m, tried 17 times, bm-wb-03), libthread-pool (615d 7h 32m, tried 8 times, mb-lxc-01), micropython (615d 7h 23m, tried 17 times, mb-lxc-01), mojoshader (615d 7h 16m, tried 157 times, mb-lxc-01), listaller (615d 7h 12m, tried 157 times, test2019), mrs (615d 7h 9m, tried 157 times, mb-lxc-01), msrtool (615d 7h 5m, tried 158 times, test2019), nsd3 (615d 6h 59m, tried 157 times, test2019), 141: node-srs (615d 6h 51m, tried 156 times, mb-lxc-01), olive (615d 6h 36m, tried 156 times, mb-lxc-01), open-axiom (615d 6h 32m, tried 156 times, mb-lxc-01), mes (615d 6h 18m, tried 3 times, bm-wb-03), ntopng (615d 6h 17m, tried 12 times, test2019), openmm (615d 6h 15m, tried 8 times, mb-lxc-01), perftest (615d 6h 11m, tried 11 times, mb-lxc-01), percona-xtradb-cluster-galera-2.x (615d 6h 8m, tried 155 times, test2019), plink2 (615d 5h 59m, tried 6 times, mb-lxc-01), prboom (615d 5h 50m, tried 155 times, mb-lxc-01), 151: prometheus-libvirt-exporter (615d 5h 39m, tried 127 times, mb-lxc-01), python-ppmd (615d 5h 33m, tried 152 times, bm-wb-04), python-rocksdb (615d 5h 31m, tried 12 times, test2019), r-bioc-rsubread (615d 5h 30m, tried 6 times, mb-lxc-01), rpm2html (615d 5h 23m, tried 154 times, test2019), ruby-cbor (615d 5h 21m, tried 155 times, mb-lxc-01), rust-generator (615d 5h 16m, tried 7 times, mb-lxc-01), rocr-runtime (615d 5h 13m, tried 3 times, bm-wb-04), rust-kvm-ioctls (615d 5h 11m, tried 154 times, mb-lxc-01), rust-mach-o-sys (615d 5h 6m, tried 126 times, mb-lxc-01), 161: ruby2.1 (615d 5h 3m, tried 126 times, test2019), rust-mysqlclient-sys (615d 5h, tried 154 times, mb-lxc-01), rust-librespot-protocol (615d 4h 59m, tried 17 times, bm-wb-04), rust-servo-freetype-sys (615d 4h 54m, tried 154 times, mb-lxc-01), rust-pq-sys (615d 4h 54m, tried 155 times, test2019), scanbuttond (615d 4h 49m, tried 154 times, test2019), sambamba (615d 4h 48m, tried 4 times, mb-lxc-01), tarantool (615d 4h 41m, tried 7 times, mb-lxc-01), slang-slirp (615d 4h 41m, tried 154 times, test2019), rust-ucd-generate (615d 4h 31m, tried 126 times, bm-wb-04), 171: tiledarray (615d 4h 28m, tried 126 times, test2019), tendermint (615d 4h 26m, tried 153 times, mb-lxc-01), traildb (615d 4h 22m, tried 126 times, test2019), wmmail (615d 4h 19m, tried 153 times, mb-lxc-01), tinyarray (615d 4h 17m, tried 150 times, bm-wb-04), xavs2 (615d 4h 15m, tried 153 times, test2019), xf86-video-msm (615d 4h 12m, tried 126 times, mb-lxc-01), scm (615d 3h 51m, tried 4 times, bm-wb-03), veyon (615d 3h 34m, tried 3 times, mb-lxc-01), qtmir (615d 3h 20m, tried 3 times, bm-wb-04), 181: virtuoso-opensource (615d 2h 28m, tried 3 times, bm-wb-04), rheolef (615d 1h 25m, tried 12 times, test2019), pyfftw (615d 1h 13m, tried 8 times, mb-lxc-01), paraview (614d 23h 40m, tried 3 times, mb-lxc-01), nextpnr (614d 23h 9m, tried 6 times, bm-wb-04), nix (614d 22h 26m, tried 7 times, bm-wb-03), tulip (614d 19h 59m, tried 14 times, testwandboard), openms (614d 19h 10m, tried 125 times, test2019), blender (614d 16h 50m, tried 3 times, bm-wb-04), libmaus2 (614d 13h 16m, tried 6 times, test2019), 191: mediainfo (614d 6h 3m, bm-wb-03), qt6-webengine (614d 4h 27m, tried 3 times, mb-lxc-01), slic3r-prusa (614d 2h 59m, tried 3 times, testwandboard), paco (614d 1h 59m, tried 156 times, testwandboard), mlpack (613d 16h 3m, tried 139 times, test2019), openstructure (606d 15h 25m, bm-wb-02), altos (602d 16h 27m, mb-lxc-01), mutt (474d 51m, test2023), samba (470d 12h 19m, test2019), distro-info (412d 21h 58m, test2023), 201: vips (412d 21h 21m, bm-wb-04), fish (349d 20h 5m, test2019), tar (349d 20h 4m, test2023), ruby3.1 (266d 16h 59m, mb-lxc-01), ebook-speaker (209d 19h 5m, test2023), ovn (209d 15h 23m, testbuildd), dovecot (156d 23h 8m, mb-lxc-01), cyrus-imapd (146d 22h 1m, test2023), gtk+3.0 (76d 19h 37m, testbuildd), cpuinfo (13d 20h 16m, test2023), 211: renderdoc (13d 19h 14m, test2023), pypy3 (13d 18h 44m, test2023)
Building81: dumpasn1 (668d 21h 40m, tried 14 times, test2019), openvdb (618d 9h 37m, bm-wb-02), qtwebengine-opensource-src (614d 2h 54m, tried 2 times, bm-wb-04), agda (613d 15h 27m, tried 3 times, bm-wb-02), scmutils (612d 11h 10m, tried 405 times, test2019), pageedit (481d 21h 25m, tried 1309 times, test2019), shovill (149d 12h 7m, tried 1935 times, test2019), postgresql-15 (64d 17h 7m, testbuildd)
Built171: ne10 (1000d 22h 18m, tried 2 times, mb-lxc-01), cpuburn (1000d 17h 30m, tried 2 times, test2019), rust-webpki-roots (1000d 12h 36m, tried 2 times, bm-wb-04), android-platform-system-tools-aidl (925d 16h 1m, tried 2 times, mb-lxc-02), openni-sensor-pointclouds (922d 12h 13m, mb-lxc-02), openni-sensor-primesense (922d 12h 9m, test2019), android-platform-system-tools-hidl (813d 9h 10m, testwandboard), rust-tealdeer (752d 13h 35m, test2019), junixsocket (728d 21h 15m, mb-lxc-01), pushpin (722d 8h 32m, testbuildd), 11: tsung (+b12, 718d 3h 30m, mb-lxc-02), sleef (712d 3h 53m, bm-wb-02), lsp-plugins (696d 8h 26m, bm-wb-04), arm-compute-library (673d 7h 11m, testbuildd), llvm-toolchain-16 (412d 11h 25m, test2023), criu (13d 12h 33m, test2019), llvm-toolchain-19 (12d 23h 14m, test2023)
Failed11: mariadb-10.6 (+b1, 702d 4h 1m, repo)
Installed16764Too many results, cannot display